Domestic Supply of Infants for Adoption: Birthmother, Good Mother

The following study was conducted by Charles T. Kenny, The Family Research Council, and The National Council for Adoption in order to better understand how to convince pregnant women to place their babies for adoption. The mothers in this study “opposed abortion generally.” This is a study aimed at increasing the “domestic supply of infants for adoption”, NOT providing access to parenting resources nor addressing abortion in general.

“In doing what is best for her child, she fulfills her need to see herself as a good mother and accept the pain of relinquishment. In this way, she transforms agony of the entire story into a redemptive experience where she becomes the heroine in her own eyes and in the eyes of others.”

A debt of gratitude to those who came before me. I was a young mother who was told, like so many others, that I was “selfish” for wanting to keep and raise the daughter that I was also told God had “beautifully and wonderfully” made in MY body. Separation from and the ultimate adoption of my daughter is the most lonesome and burdensome grief that I know I will ever experience. Having a stillborn years later has paled in comparison for me. Thank you Musings of the Lame for being the first blog to bring me back from the brink. Thank you for your research and your wisdom to keep these things for the record. Even when evildoers try to erase their deeds from public view.

For the record and without further ado:

Birthmother, Good Mother

Her Story of Heroic Redemption

Charles T. Kenny, The National Council for Adoption, and The Family Research Council

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